Minor-league baseball teams are nothing if not opportunistic when it comes to marketing opportunities, and so it is that an Indians affiliate wasted little time jumping on one of the hot news items of the week.
The Akron RubberDucks announced Wednesday they have scheduled "Brian Williams' Pants-on-Fire Night" for April 27, which according to the club happens to be National Tell a Story Day.
Per the Double-A club's website, general manager Jim Pfander called the promotion "a fun, tongue-in-cheek night for our fans."
The overall theme is a reference to the recent plight of NBC News anchor Brian Williams, who was been suspended after "misrepresenting events which occurred while he was covering the Iraq War in 2003," according to a memo to staff.
Among the activities planned for the evening, per the team:
-- The first 100 fans will receive a pair of suspenders.
-- There will be on-field contests including "To Tell the Truth" and an offshoot of the game "Two Truths and a Lie" called, "Two Truths and a Brian Williams."
-- Any fan in attendance named Brian Williams will have the opportunity to throw out the first pitch, and a fan of that name will be assigned to read tall tales.
-- Between innings, fans will be able to audition to be a TV news anchor, and fans will be able to vote on a winner. The results will then be sent to NBC.
-- And finally, a pair of pants said to be from Williams will be burned ceremonially.
For more, check out the RubberDucks' website here.
Marcus Hartman/FOX Sports Ohio

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