Bernie Williams has been retired for nearly a decade, but that didn't stop him from achieving an impressive feat on Friday.
Williams, whose artistic talents were well-covered during his playing days with the Yankees, joined more than 200 other students in graduating from the Manhattan School of Music. After four years of studying jazz guitar, he received a Bachelor of Music diploma.
Ex-Yankee Bernie Williams receives music degree
As for what he's up to next, here's what the school reported in its press release:
Williams' new career in music education isn't over. He's now actively involved in lobbying for more music in the schools. He's heading to Capital Hill in a couple of weeks to meet with members of Congress to help with the arts advocacy group Turnaround Arts. And he'll perform at the White House on May 25 for an audience that will include President Obama and the First Lady.
So there you have it. Bernie Williams: four-time World Series champion turned champion for music.
R.J. Anderson/CBS Sports

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